Thanos Koutroubas


Software engineer with a passion for Cloud and Microservices. Currently working as an R&D Software Engineer at Nokia, building and deploying microservices with Go.



Athens, Attica

R&D Software Engineer

Mar 2022 - Present

  • Building a tracking REST API service with gRPC for Kubernetes pods monitoring.
  • Building a microservice for collecting key symptom data (e.g. logs) from other pods.
  • Deploying containerized applications to the Cloud as microservices.
  • Orchestrating microservices with Kubernetes and packaging with Helm.
  • Using and configuring service mesh solution (e.g. Envoy Proxy, Consul, Istio).
  • Go
  • HTTP2
  • gRPC
  • OpenAPI
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • Helm
  • Envoy
  • Istio
  • Consul


Athens, Attica

Working Student (Software Engineer)

Sep 2021 - Mar 2022

  • Building a Full Stack web application for Network Traffic Monitoring.
  • Implementing decoding/encoding of network protocols in Go (e.g. HTTP2, ASN.1).
  • Dealing with Network Protocols across the stack: IP, TCP, UDP, HTTP, SIP, ...
  • Go
  • C
  • Angular
  • PostgreSQL
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • TCP/IP
  • Wireshark


Diploma in Electrical and Computer Engineering

Sep 2016 - Mar 2024

National Technical University of Athens, Greece

Integrated Master’s Degree in Computer Science (Diploma Thesis: Review of AI robustness and privacy in critical business and research fields)


armOS: Simple ARM OS for the Raspberry Pi

Athens, Greece

Embedded Systems Course at ECE NTUA

Feb 2021 - Apr 2021

  • Built a simple ARM Operating System from scratch for the Raspberry Pi implementing core OS-related concepts, for 32-bit and 64-bit ARM architectures.
  • GitHub Repo, Documentation, Wiki
  • C
  • ARM
  • Raspberry Pi
  • Travis CI
  • Doxygen

Search Movies on Streaming Platforms

Athens, Greece

Internet and Applications Course at ECE NTUA (GitHub Repo)

Jul 2020 - Aug 2020

  • Built a Full Stack Web App for searching movies on different streaming platforms using external API for fetching movie posters.
  • JavaScript
  • Node.js
  • React
  • Express.js
  • MySQL

DSL Info Bot

Athens, Greece

Personal Project (GitHub Repo)

Apr 2021 - Apr 2021

  • Built as a side project to monitor the errors of my home DSL connection, using Selenium to scrape Modem’s web-based setup page. Plots errors with Plotly and data can be imported to InfluxDB for further monitoring.
  • Python
  • Selenium
  • InfluxDB
  • Plotly
  • Pandas
photo of me


    • Programming
    • Go
    • Python
    • C/C++
    • Bash - Shell
    • JavaScript - TypeScript
    • HTML - CSS
    • MySQL - PostgreSQL
    • Flask
    • React - Angular
    • Node.js - Express.js
      Developer Tools
    • Linux
    • Git
    • Docker - Kubernetes - Helm
    • Travis CI - GitHub Actions
    • Selenium - Beautiful Soup
    • LaTeX - Markdown
    • Networks & Services - TCP/IP


  • Greek
  • English


  • ECPE, Univ. of Michigan, 2014


  • Movies
  • Cinema
  • Cooking
  • Music
  • Drums
  • Electronics